daily grind
Daily Grind: Korean Magazine Pick-ups 2017
11:42 PMOk so this is a bit tricky but its really more of a Japanese Magazine Pick-ups post than a Korean one because all the magazines I've purchased are all from Japan. Wanted some K-magazines but didn't really like the current issues they had. Lucky enough, on my VERY LAST FEW hours in Seoul before I head out back to Incheon Airport, I happened to spot this place called FASHION BOOKS which sells FASHION BOOKS ONLY! Internal screaming aside, I scoured as fast as I could but only noticed awesome Japanese Magazines.
Btw, they also had on-trend magazines which focuses on runway photos and details of trends carefully curated PER SEASON. I NEVER EVEN KNEW THAT THERE WERE MAGAZINES LIKE THAT. I'm pretty sure those are handy for fashion designers and students.
Anyway, here's a quick run-through of what I copped.