Daily Grind: US RECAP- The Kits

Hi there. I've been gone for quite some time but I have been very busy with life. I haven't blogged in a while too because I was g...

Hi there.

I've been gone for quite some time but I have been very busy with life. I haven't blogged in a while too because I was gone for 2 1/2 weeks. I took a vacation with my family and just glad that everything went well. No packages were lost and no one got lost. Everyone was happy.

I didn't want to create another "WHAT/HOW TO PACK"when travelling post so I think I'll mostly be doing recaps along the way. Oh, and I'm also trying to post as much as I can since I got inspired by Casey Neistat. Big shout out to my brother Nino for introducing him to me.

Anyway, so here I am blogging my first blog in a while and this is on how I used my TN60 KITS when I traveled... so here it goes.

I'm definitely into the classic colors so I decided to use the (NEW) TAN and the BROWN kits.
The kits were made to be compact and to contain all your essentials. It is not made to pack EVERYTHING you own. Bringing two means I was able to divide my "essential" belongings from my On-the-Go Kit to my Bathroom Kit.

Opening up my two kits, you'll see the one on the left is my traveling kit while the one on the right is for my toiletries. 

I have two cables for two chargers safely and orderly propped up in the elastic bands of my kit. They are easy to remove and are kept in place for the duration of the trip. The toiletries are all packed under the pocket flap to keep safe from spilling all over the place. 

You can see that the kit is very handy and can fit all of the films that I brought with me to the US. Filled up of eight film cannisters that I kept within my carry-on bag at all times. You have got to always keep your eyes open for the perfect shot.

Anyhoo, that's just a little sneak peek on how I use my kits. The leather goods I create were designed to be used and not just for show. Aesthetics must be one with the usage of the products. If you already purchased your kit, I hope you can tag @thenumber60 on Instagram so you can show me how you use your kit.

More posts to follow so stay tuned!

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